Download Syntalos

Release Information

Quick Install Guides

Installation on Ubuntu & Kubuntu

Verify the Ubuntu version

You need Ubuntu 24.04 or later in order to run Syntalos. You can see your Ubuntu/Kubuntu version in the system settings, usually under “Details”.

Add the PPA

Run these commands to add a software source for the pre-compiled version of Syntalos:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ximion/syntalos
sudo apt update

Install Syntalos

sudo apt install syntalos
Installation on Debian

Verify the Debian version

We are currently building packages for Debian 13 (Trixie). You can see your Debian version in the system settings dialog, or run cat /etc/os-release in a terminal to see it.

Download the packages

Go to the Syntalos Releases page and download the .deb packages for your Debian version.

Install Syntalos

You can install the packages using your graphical package manager (just make sure the syntalos-hwsupport*.deb package is installed first).

Alternatively, you can extract the ZIP rchive to a directory and install the packages from the command-line:

cd path/with/syntalos/debfiles
sudo apt install ./syntalos*.deb
Other Linux / Software Store

Ensure Flathub is set up

Make sure that Flatpak and Flathub are configured on your system. For many Linux distributions, this is already the case, but you can find instructions on how to set up the software source on the Flatpak website.

Install Syntalos

Install Syntalos either graphically by searching for it in your software installer application (GNOME Software, KDE Discover, etc.), or from the command-line using this command:

flatpak install flathub org.syntalos.syntalos