Pico Pi SP210 Pressure Sensor

Pico Pi SP210 Pressure Sensor


This module can connects with a Raspberry Pi Pico running dedicated firmware to drive a Superior Sensors SP210 spirometry pressure sensor.

Pico firmware is provided. The Syntalos module will export the sensor's pressure and temperature readings and allow a range of configuration options.


This module needs a Raspberry Pi Pico connected to the pressure sensor via I2C as well as the respective firmware flashed to the Pico chip.

Once added to a Syntalos project, the module will acquire data with the selected sampling rate and zeroing settings. Data can be recorded e.g. using a JSON Writer module, or displayed via a Plot Time Series module.

Hardware Assembly

Coming soon! (TODO: Add instructions for assembly)


NameDirectionData TypeDescription
Pressure Data🠺OutFloatSignalBlockReceived pressure values, in mPa.
Temperature Data🠺OutFloatSignalBlockReported temperature, in °C.

Stream Metadata

time_unit: String, Unit of the data block timestamps.
data_unit: String, Unit of the signal block values.
signal_names: List<String>, List of signal names contained in each data block