ONIX Coax Commutator

ONIX Coax Commutator


This module provides simple support for the ONIX Coaxial Commutator when fed quaternions from an orientation sensor.


Set up the commutator hardware as described in their guide. After adding this module to your Syntalos experiment and connecting the hardware to your computer, select the right serial port in the module settings.

You will then have to connect a module providing unit quaternions (with the rotation information of your animal) to the ONIX Commutator module, so it knows how to turn. Hardware that can generate this data is for example the BNO055 sensor on a Miniscope. The Miniscope module provides this data as output stream which can be connected to the ONIX Commutator module's input directly.


NameDirectionData TypeDescription
🠺QuaternionsInFloatSignalBlockUnit quaternion vector input

Stream Metadata

No output streams are generated. For the quaternion input stream, the signal_names metadata property must be set to a string list containing the quaterion names "qw", "qx", "qy", "qz" in exactly this order. The received vectors must have a length of 4 and contain the quaterions in this order.