Intan RHX


This module can interface with all Intan Technologies electrophysiology amplifiers, including the RHD and RHS systems.

It wraps the Intan RHX software module directly, and therefore provides a familiar interface to users.


The module uses its "Display" function to display the familiar Intan user interface, including live recording of electrophysiology signals.

By default, the module has no output ports. By selecting its "Settings" panel, select ports can be marked to be exported and can subsequently be connected to other modules. By default, no ports are exported to improve performance.

Export select channels as ports for Intan RHX


NameDirectionData TypeDescription
[Channel]🠺OutFloatSignalBlockExported values of user-defined, select channels.
[Channel]🠺OutIntSignalBlockExported values of user-defined, select channels.

Stream Metadata

sample_rate: Double, Sampling rate in samples per second.
time_unit: String, Unit of the data block timestamps. Always set to "index".
data_unit: String, Unit of the signal block values. Usually "µV".
signal_names: List<String>, List of signal names contained in each data block