Name | |
enum class | TimeSyncStrategy { NONE = 0, SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_FWD = 1 « 0, SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_BWD = 1 « 1, ADJUST_CLOCK = 1 « 2, WRITE_TSYNCFILE = |
1 « 3} The time synchronization strategy. | |
enum class | TSyncFileMode { CONTINUOUS = 0, SYNCPOINTS = 1} Timepoint storage of a TSync file. |
enum class | TSyncFileTimeUnit { INDEX = 0, NANOSECONDS = 1, MICROSECONDS = 2, MILLISECONDS = 3, SECONDS = 4} Unit types for time representation in a TSync file. |
enum class | TSyncFileDataType { INVALID = 0, INT16 = 2, INT32 = 3, INT64 = 4, UINT16 = 6, UINT32 = 7, UINT64 = 8} Data types use for storing time values in the data file. |
enum class | SysInfoCheckResult { UNKNOWN, OK, SUSPICIOUS, ISSUE} |
enum class | ColorMode { SYSTEM, BRIGHT, DARK} |
enum class uint8_t | PortAction { UNKNOWN, ADD, REMOVE, CHANGE} Action performed to modify a module port. |
enum class | ModuleFeature { NONE = 0, SHOW_SETTINGS = 1 « 0, SHOW_DISPLAY = 1 « 1, REALTIME = 1 « 2, CALL_UI_EVENTS = 1 « 3, REQUEST_CPU_AFFINITY = |
« 5} The ModuleFeature flags List of basic features this module may or may not support, or may request from the engine to be available. | |
enum class | ModuleDriverKind { NONE, THREAD_DEDICATED, EVENTS_DEDICATED, EVENTS_SHARED} The ModuleDriverKind enum. |
enum class | UsbHotplugEventKind { NONE, DEVICE_ARRIVED, DEVICE_LEFT, DEVICES_CHANGE} The UsbHotplugEventKind enum. |
enum class uint32_t | ModuleCategory { NONE = 0, SYNTALOS_DEV = 1 « 0, EXAMPLES = 1 « 1, DEVICES = 1 « 2, GENERATORS = 1 « 3, SCRIPTING = 1 « 4, DISPLAY = 1 « 5, WRITERS = 1 « 6, PROCESSING = 1 « 7} Categorization for modules. |
enum class | ModuleModifier { NONE = 0, ENABLED = 1 « 0, STOP_ON_FAILURE = 1 « 1} The ModuleModifier flags Flags set by Syntalos or the user to modify the behavior of the module in the wider context of the running experiment. |
enum class | PortDirection { NONE, INPUT, OUTPUT} Enum specifying directionality of a port (in or out) |
using std::chrono::time_point< symaster_clock > | symaster_timepoint A timepoint on the master clock. |
using std::chrono::milliseconds | milliseconds_t Shorthand for milliseconds. |
using std::chrono::duration< int64_t, std::micro > | microseconds_t Shorthand for microseconds. |
using std::chrono::duration< int64_t, std::nano > | nanoseconds_t Shorthand for nanoseconds. |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< qint32, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > | VectorXsi |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< quint64, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > | VectorXul |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< qint64, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > | VectorXsl |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > | VectorXd |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< qint32, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > | MatrixXsi |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > | MatrixXd |
using std::function< void(const QString &id, const TimeSyncStrategies &strategies, const microseconds_t &tolerance)> | SyncDetailsChangeNotifyFn Function to call when synchronizer details have changed. |
using std::function< void(const QString &id, const microseconds_t ¤tOffset)> | OffsetChangeNotifyFn Function to call to notify about an offset change. |
using void(AbstractModule::*)(int &) | intervalEventFunc_t Event function type for timed callbacks. |
using void(AbstractModule::*)() | recvDataEventFunc_t Event function type for subscription new data callbacks. |
using std::function< void(const QString &script, const QString &wdir)> | LoadScriptFn |
using std::function< void(const QByteArray &settings)> | PrepareStartFn |
using std::function< void()> | StartFn |
using std::function< void()> | StopFn |
using std::function< void()> | ShutdownFn |
using std::function< void(const void *data, size_t size)> | NewDataRawFn |
using std::function< void(const QByteArray &settings)> | ShowSettingsFn |
using std::function< void(void)> | ShowDisplayFn |
Name | |
milliseconds_t | usecToMsec(const microseconds_t & usec) Convert microseconds to milliseconds. |
microseconds_t | msecToUsec(const milliseconds_t & msec) Convert milliseconds microseconds. |
microseconds_t | nsecToUsec(const nanoseconds_t & msec) Convert nanoseconds microseconds. |
milliseconds_t | timeDiffMsec(const symaster_timepoint & timePoint1, const symaster_timepoint & timePoint2) |
microseconds_t | timeDiffUsec(const symaster_timepoint & timePoint1, const symaster_timepoint & timePoint2) |
milliseconds_t | timeDiffToNowMsec(const std::chrono::time_point< symaster_clock > & timePoint) |
symaster_timepoint | currentTimePoint() |
template <typename T > double | vectorMedian(const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > & vec) |
template <typename T > double | vectorMedianInplace(Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > & vec) |
template <typename T > double | vectorVariance(const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > & vec, const double & mean, bool unbiased =true) |
template <typename T > double | vectorVariance(const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > & vec, bool unbiased =true) |
template <typename EigenType > void | serializeEigen(QDataStream & stream, const EigenType & matrix) |
template <typename EigenType > EigenType | deserializeEigen(QDataStream & stream) |
const QString | timeSyncStrategyToHString(const TimeSyncStrategy & strategy) |
const QString | timeSyncStrategiesToHString(const TimeSyncStrategies & strategies) |
template <typename T > void | safeStopSynchronizer(const T & synchronizerSmartPtr) |
template <typename T > void | safeStopSynchronizer(const T & synchronizer, const microseconds_t & lastValidMasterTimestamp) |
QString | tsyncFileTimeUnitToString(const TSyncFileTimeUnit & tsftunit) |
QString | tsyncFileDataTypeToString(const TSyncFileDataType & dtype) |
QString | tsyncFileModeToString(const TSyncFileMode & mode) |
QString | colorModeToString(ColorMode mode) |
ColorMode | colorModeFromString(const QString & str) |
QString | findSyntalosPyWorkerBinary() |
void | findSyntalosLibraryPaths(QString & pkgConfigPath, QString & ldLibraryPath, QString & includePath) |
QString | toString(ModuleCategory category) |
ModuleCategory | moduleCategoryFromString(const QString & categoryStr) |
ModuleCategories | moduleCategoriesFromString(const QString & categoriesStr) |
uint | qHash(ModuleModifier key, uint seed) |
VariantDataStream * | newStreamForType(int typeId) Create a new DataStream for the type identified by the given ID. |
VarStreamInputPort * | newInputPortForType(int typeId, AbstractModule * mod, const QString & id, const QString & title) Create a new Input Port for the type identified by the given ID. |
std::unique_ptr< SyntalosLink > | initSyntalosModuleLink() |
template <typename T > requires std::derived_from< T, BaseDataType > T | streamDataFromRawMemory(const void * data, size_t size) Convert raw received bytes into their data type. |
Name | |
constexpr auto | SECONDARY_CLOCK_TOLERANCE The amount of time a secondary clock is allowed to deviate from the master. |
constexpr auto | DEFAULT_CLOCKSYNC_CHECK_INTERVAL Interval at which we check for external clock synchronization. |
const uint64_t | SY_IOX_QUEUE_CAPACITY |
const uint64_t | SY_IOX_HISTORY_SIZE |
iox::capro::IdString_t | IN_PORT_CHANGE_CHANNEL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | OUT_PORT_CHANGE_CHANNEL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | IN_PORT_UPDATE_METADATA_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | ERROR_CHANNEL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | STATE_CHANNEL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | STATUS_MESSAGE_CHANNEL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | SET_NICENESS_CALL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | SET_MAX_RT_PRIORITY_CALL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | SET_CPU_AFFINITY_CALL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | DELETE_PORT_CALL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | CONNECT_INPUT_CALL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | LOAD_SCRIPT_CALL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | SET_PORTS_PRESET_CALL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | PREPARE_START_CALL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | START_CALL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | STOP_CALL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | SHUTDOWN_CALL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | SETTINGS_CHANGE_CHANNEL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | SHOW_SETTINGS_CALL_ID |
iox::capro::IdString_t | SHOW_DISPLAY_CALL_ID |
Types Documentation
enum TimeSyncStrategy
Enumerator | Value | Description |
NONE | 0 | |
SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_BWD | 1 « 1 | Move timestamps forward to match the master clock. |
ADJUST_CLOCK | 1 « 2 | Move timestamps backward to match the master clock. |
1 « 3 | Do not change timestamps by adjust the secondary clocks to match the master clock. |
The time synchronization strategy.
enum TSyncFileMode
Enumerator | Value | Description |
SYNCPOINTS | 1 | Continous time-point mapping with no gaps. |
Timepoint storage of a TSync file.
enum TSyncFileTimeUnit
Enumerator | Value | Description |
INDEX | 0 | |
NANOSECONDS | 1 | monotonically increasing counter without dimension |
Unit types for time representation in a TSync file.
enum TSyncFileDataType
Enumerator | Value | Description |
INVALID | 0 | |
INT16 | 2 | |
INT32 | 3 | |
INT64 | 4 | |
UINT16 | 6 | |
UINT32 | 7 | |
UINT64 | 8 |
Data types use for storing time values in the data file.
enum SysInfoCheckResult
Enumerator | Value | Description |
OK | ||
enum ColorMode
Enumerator | Value | Description |
enum PortAction
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ADD | Undefined action. | |
REMOVE | Add a new port. | |
CHANGE | Remove an existing port. Change an existing port |
Action performed to modify a module port.
enum ModuleFeature
Enumerator | Value | Description |
NONE | 0 | |
SHOW_SETTINGS | 1 « 0 | |
SHOW_DISPLAY | 1 « 1 | Module can display a settings window. |
REALTIME | 1 « 2 | Module has one or more display window(s) to show. |
CALL_UI_EVENTS | 1 « 3 | Enable realtime scheduling for the module’s thread. |
1 « 4 | Call direct UI events processing method. | |
« 5 | Pin the module’s thread to a separate CPU core, if possible (even if the user disabled this) |
The ModuleFeature flags List of basic features this module may or may not support, or may request from the engine to be available.
enum ModuleDriverKind
Enumerator | Value | Description |
NONE | ||
THREAD_DEDICATED | Module will be run in the main (GUI) thread. | |
EVENTS_DEDICATED | Module wants to run in a dedicated thread. | |
EVENTS_SHARED | Module shares a thread(pool) with other modules of its kind, via an event loop. Module shares a thread(pool) with arbitrary other modules, actions are triggered by events |
The ModuleDriverKind enum.
enum UsbHotplugEventKind
Enumerator | Value | Description |
NONE | ||
DEVICE_ARRIVED | No USB hotplug event. | |
DEVICE_LEFT | A new device appeared. | |
DEVICES_CHANGE | A device has left. Devices have appeared and left |
The UsbHotplugEventKind enum.
enum ModuleCategory
Enumerator | Value | Description |
NONE | 0 | |
SYNTALOS_DEV | 1 « 0 | Not categorized. |
EXAMPLES | 1 « 1 | A development/test tool for Syntalos itself. |
DEVICES | 1 « 2 | An example / template module. |
GENERATORS | 1 « 3 | Modules which communicate with hwrdware devices. |
SCRIPTING | 1 « 4 | (Test)data generators) |
DISPLAY | 1 « 5 | Scripting & customization. |
WRITERS | 1 « 6 | Display modules. |
PROCESSING | 1 « 7 | Modules which write data to disk. |
Categorization for modules.
enum ModuleModifier
Enumerator | Value | Description |
NONE | 0 | |
ENABLED | 1 « 0 | |
STOP_ON_FAILURE | 1 « 1 | The module is enabled. |
The ModuleModifier flags Flags set by Syntalos or the user to modify the behavior of the module in the wider context of the running experiment.
enum PortDirection
Enumerator | Value | Description |
NONE | ||
INPUT | ||
Enum specifying directionality of a port (in or out)
using symaster_timepoint
using Syntalos::symaster_timepoint = typedef std::chrono::time_point<symaster_clock>;
A timepoint on the master clock.
using milliseconds_t
using Syntalos::milliseconds_t = typedef std::chrono::milliseconds;
Shorthand for milliseconds.
using microseconds_t
using Syntalos::microseconds_t = typedef std::chrono::duration<int64_t, std::micro>;
Shorthand for microseconds.
using nanoseconds_t
using Syntalos::nanoseconds_t = typedef std::chrono::duration<int64_t, std::nano>;
Shorthand for nanoseconds.
typedef VectorXsi
typedef Eigen::Matrix<qint32, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Syntalos::VectorXsi;
typedef VectorXul
typedef Eigen::Matrix<quint64, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Syntalos::VectorXul;
typedef VectorXsl
typedef Eigen::Matrix<qint64, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Syntalos::VectorXsl;
typedef VectorXd
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Syntalos::VectorXd;
typedef MatrixXsi
typedef Eigen::Matrix<qint32, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> Syntalos::MatrixXsi;
typedef MatrixXd
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> Syntalos::MatrixXd;
using SyncDetailsChangeNotifyFn
using Syntalos::SyncDetailsChangeNotifyFn = typedef std::function<void(const QString &id, const TimeSyncStrategies &strategies, const microseconds_t &tolerance)>;
Function to call when synchronizer details have changed.
using OffsetChangeNotifyFn
using Syntalos::OffsetChangeNotifyFn = typedef std::function<void(const QString &id, const microseconds_t ¤tOffset)>;
Function to call to notify about an offset change.
using intervalEventFunc_t
using Syntalos::intervalEventFunc_t = typedef void (AbstractModule::*)(int &);
Event function type for timed callbacks.
using recvDataEventFunc_t
using Syntalos::recvDataEventFunc_t = typedef void (AbstractModule::*)();
Event function type for subscription new data callbacks.
using LoadScriptFn
using Syntalos::LoadScriptFn = typedef std::function<void(const QString &script, const QString &wdir)>;
using PrepareStartFn
using Syntalos::PrepareStartFn = typedef std::function<void(const QByteArray &settings)>;
using StartFn
using Syntalos::StartFn = typedef std::function<void()>;
using StopFn
using Syntalos::StopFn = typedef std::function<void()>;
using ShutdownFn
using Syntalos::ShutdownFn = typedef std::function<void()>;
using NewDataRawFn
using Syntalos::NewDataRawFn = typedef std::function<void(const void *data, size_t size)>;
using ShowSettingsFn
using Syntalos::ShowSettingsFn = typedef std::function<void(const QByteArray &settings)>;
using ShowDisplayFn
using Syntalos::ShowDisplayFn = typedef std::function<void(void)>;
Functions Documentation
function usecToMsec
inline milliseconds_t usecToMsec(
const microseconds_t & usec
Convert microseconds to milliseconds.
Shorthand for duration-case to increase code readability.
function msecToUsec
inline microseconds_t msecToUsec(
const milliseconds_t & msec
Convert milliseconds microseconds.
Shorthand for duration-case to increase code readability.
function nsecToUsec
inline microseconds_t nsecToUsec(
const nanoseconds_t & msec
Convert nanoseconds microseconds.
Shorthand for duration-case to increase code readability.
function timeDiffMsec
inline milliseconds_t timeDiffMsec(
const symaster_timepoint & timePoint1,
const symaster_timepoint & timePoint2
function timeDiffUsec
inline microseconds_t timeDiffUsec(
const symaster_timepoint & timePoint1,
const symaster_timepoint & timePoint2
function timeDiffToNowMsec
inline milliseconds_t timeDiffToNowMsec(
const std::chrono::time_point< symaster_clock > & timePoint
function currentTimePoint
inline symaster_timepoint currentTimePoint()
function vectorMedian
template <typename T >
double vectorMedian(
const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > & vec
function vectorMedianInplace
template <typename T >
double vectorMedianInplace(
Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > & vec
function vectorVariance
template <typename T >
double vectorVariance(
const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > & vec,
const double & mean,
bool unbiased =true
function vectorVariance
template <typename T >
double vectorVariance(
const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > & vec,
bool unbiased =true
function serializeEigen
template <typename EigenType >
void serializeEigen(
QDataStream & stream,
const EigenType & matrix
function deserializeEigen
template <typename EigenType >
EigenType deserializeEigen(
QDataStream & stream
function timeSyncStrategyToHString
const QString timeSyncStrategyToHString(
const TimeSyncStrategy & strategy
function timeSyncStrategiesToHString
const QString timeSyncStrategiesToHString(
const TimeSyncStrategies & strategies
function safeStopSynchronizer
template <typename T >
void safeStopSynchronizer(
const T & synchronizerSmartPtr
function safeStopSynchronizer
template <typename T >
void safeStopSynchronizer(
const T & synchronizer,
const microseconds_t & lastValidMasterTimestamp
function tsyncFileTimeUnitToString
QString tsyncFileTimeUnitToString(
const TSyncFileTimeUnit & tsftunit
function tsyncFileDataTypeToString
QString tsyncFileDataTypeToString(
const TSyncFileDataType & dtype
function tsyncFileModeToString
QString tsyncFileModeToString(
const TSyncFileMode & mode
function colorModeToString
QString colorModeToString(
ColorMode mode
function colorModeFromString
ColorMode colorModeFromString(
const QString & str
function findSyntalosPyWorkerBinary
QString findSyntalosPyWorkerBinary()
function findSyntalosLibraryPaths
void findSyntalosLibraryPaths(
QString & pkgConfigPath,
QString & ldLibraryPath,
QString & includePath
function toString
QString toString(
ModuleCategory category
function moduleCategoryFromString
ModuleCategory moduleCategoryFromString(
const QString & categoryStr
function moduleCategoriesFromString
ModuleCategories moduleCategoriesFromString(
const QString & categoriesStr
function qHash
inline uint qHash(
ModuleModifier key,
uint seed
function newStreamForType
VariantDataStream * newStreamForType(
int typeId
Create a new DataStream for the type identified by the given ID.
function newInputPortForType
VarStreamInputPort * newInputPortForType(
int typeId,
AbstractModule * mod,
const QString & id,
const QString & title
Create a new Input Port for the type identified by the given ID.
function initSyntalosModuleLink
std::unique_ptr< SyntalosLink > initSyntalosModuleLink()
function streamDataFromRawMemory
template <typename T >
requires std::derived_from< T, BaseDataType > T streamDataFromRawMemory(
const void * data,
size_t size
Convert raw received bytes into their data type.
Attributes Documentation
static constexpr auto SECONDARY_CLOCK_TOLERANCE = microseconds_t(1000);
The amount of time a secondary clock is allowed to deviate from the master.
Since Syntalos uses millisecond time resolution, permitting (slightly more than) half a millisecond deviation for secondary clocks from the master clock is sensible.
IMPORTANT: Modules may override this value for their synchronizers to one that fits their device better. This is just a default for modules which do not change the default setting.
static constexpr auto DEFAULT_CLOCKSYNC_CHECK_INTERVAL = milliseconds_t(4000);
Interval at which we check for external clock synchronization.
IMPORTANT: This is just a default value for modules which do not explicitly define a check interval. Individual modules may choose a different value that fits the device they are communicating with best.
static const uint64_t SY_IOX_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 1U;
static const uint64_t SY_IOX_HISTORY_SIZE = 0U;
static iox::capro::IdString_t IN_PORT_CHANGE_CHANNEL_ID = "InPortChange";
static iox::capro::IdString_t OUT_PORT_CHANGE_CHANNEL_ID = "OutPortChange";
static iox::capro::IdString_t IN_PORT_UPDATE_METADATA_ID = "UpdateInputPortMetadata";
static iox::capro::IdString_t ERROR_CHANNEL_ID = "Error";
static iox::capro::IdString_t STATE_CHANNEL_ID = "State";
static iox::capro::IdString_t STATUS_MESSAGE_CHANNEL_ID = "StatusMessage";
static iox::capro::IdString_t SET_NICENESS_CALL_ID = "SetNiceness";
static iox::capro::IdString_t SET_MAX_RT_PRIORITY_CALL_ID = "SetMaxRealtimePriority";
static iox::capro::IdString_t SET_CPU_AFFINITY_CALL_ID = "SetCPUAffinity";
static iox::capro::IdString_t DELETE_PORT_CALL_ID = "DeletePort";
static iox::capro::IdString_t CONNECT_INPUT_CALL_ID = "ConnectInputPort";
static iox::capro::IdString_t LOAD_SCRIPT_CALL_ID = "LoadScript";
static iox::capro::IdString_t SET_PORTS_PRESET_CALL_ID = "SetPortsPresetRequest";
static iox::capro::IdString_t PREPARE_START_CALL_ID = "PrepareStart";
variable START_CALL_ID
static iox::capro::IdString_t START_CALL_ID = "Start";
variable STOP_CALL_ID
static iox::capro::IdString_t STOP_CALL_ID = "Stop";
static iox::capro::IdString_t SHUTDOWN_CALL_ID = "Shutdown";
static iox::capro::IdString_t SETTINGS_CHANGE_CHANNEL_ID = "SettingsChange";
static iox::capro::IdString_t SHOW_SETTINGS_CALL_ID = "ShowSettings";
static iox::capro::IdString_t SHOW_DISPLAY_CALL_ID = "ShowDisplay";
Updated on 2024-12-04 at 20:48:34 +0000