Name |
Syntalos |
Source code
* Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Matthias Klumpp <>
* Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the license, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this software. If not, see <>.
#include "timesync.h"
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDebug>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "utils/misc.h"
namespace Syntalos
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(logTimeSync, "time.synchronizer")
using namespace Syntalos;
using namespace Eigen;
const QString Syntalos::timeSyncStrategyToHString(const TimeSyncStrategy &strategy)
switch (strategy) {
case TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_FWD:
return QStringLiteral("shift timestamps (fwd)");
case TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_BWD:
return QStringLiteral("shift timestamps (bwd)");
case TimeSyncStrategy::ADJUST_CLOCK:
return QStringLiteral("align secondary clock");
case TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE:
return QStringLiteral("write time-sync file");
return QStringLiteral("invalid");
const QString Syntalos::timeSyncStrategiesToHString(const TimeSyncStrategies &strategies)
QStringList sl;
if (strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_FWD)
&& strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_BWD)) {
sl.append(QStringLiteral("shift timestamps"));
} else {
if (strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_FWD))
if (strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_BWD))
if (strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::ADJUST_CLOCK))
if (strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE))
return sl.join(" and ");
// -----------------------
// FreqCounterSynchronizer
// -----------------------
std::shared_ptr<SyncTimer> masterTimer,
const QString &modName,
double frequencyHz,
const QString &id)
: m_modName(modName),
m_strategies(TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_FWD | TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_BWD),
m_tswriter(new TimeSyncFileWriter)
if (m_id.isEmpty())
m_id = createRandomString(4);
// time one datapoint takes to acquire, if the frequency in Hz is accurate, in microseconds
m_timePerPointUs = (1.0 / m_freq) * 1000.0 * 1000.0;
void FreqCounterSynchronizer::setNotifyCallbacks(
const SyncDetailsChangeNotifyFn &detailsChangeNotifyFn,
const OffsetChangeNotifyFn &offsetChangeNotifyFn)
m_detailsChangeNotifyFn = detailsChangeNotifyFn;
m_offsetChangeNotifyFn = offsetChangeNotifyFn;
// make our existence known to the system immediately
if (m_detailsChangeNotifyFn)
m_detailsChangeNotifyFn(m_id, m_strategies, std::chrono::microseconds(m_toleranceUsec));
int FreqCounterSynchronizer::indexOffset() const
return m_indexOffset;
void FreqCounterSynchronizer::setCalibrationBlocksCount(int count)
if (count <= 0)
count = 24;
m_calibrationMaxBlockN = count;
void FreqCounterSynchronizer::setTimeSyncBasename(const QString &fname, const QUuid &collectionId)
m_collectionId = collectionId;
m_strategies = m_strategies.setFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE, !fname.isEmpty());
void FreqCounterSynchronizer::setLastValidMasterTimestamp(microseconds_t masterTimestamp)
m_lastValidMasterTimestamp = masterTimestamp;
microseconds_t FreqCounterSynchronizer::lastMasterAssumedAcqTS() const
return m_lastMasterAssumedAcqTS;
bool FreqCounterSynchronizer::isCalibrated() const
return m_haveExpectedOffset;
void FreqCounterSynchronizer::setStrategies(const TimeSyncStrategies &strategies)
if (m_haveExpectedOffset) {
qCWarning(logTimeSync).noquote() << "Rejected strategy change on active FreqCounter Synchronizer for"
<< m_modName;
m_strategies = strategies;
if (m_detailsChangeNotifyFn)
m_detailsChangeNotifyFn(m_id, m_strategies, std::chrono::microseconds(m_toleranceUsec));
void FreqCounterSynchronizer::setTolerance(const std::chrono::microseconds &tolerance)
if (m_haveExpectedOffset) {
qCWarning(logTimeSync).noquote() << "Rejected tolerance change on active FreqCounter Synchronizer for"
<< m_modName;
m_toleranceUsec = tolerance.count();
if (m_detailsChangeNotifyFn)
m_detailsChangeNotifyFn(m_id, m_strategies, std::chrono::microseconds(m_toleranceUsec));
bool FreqCounterSynchronizer::start()
if (m_haveExpectedOffset) {
<< "Restarting a FreqCounter Synchronizer that has already been used is not permitted. This is an issue in"
<< m_modName;
return false;
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE)) {
m_tswriter->setTimeDataTypes(TSyncFileDataType::INT64, TSyncFileDataType::INT64);
if (!m_tswriter->open(m_modName, m_collectionId, microseconds_t(m_toleranceUsec))) {
<< "Unable to open timesync file for " << m_modName << "[" << m_id << "]: " << m_tswriter->lastError();
return false;
m_lastOffsetWithinTolerance = false;
m_timeCorrectionOffset = microseconds_t(0);
m_haveExpectedOffset = false;
m_calibrationIdx = 0;
m_expectedOffsetCalCount = 0;
m_tsOffsetsUsec = VectorXsl::Zero(m_calibrationMaxBlockN);
m_lastTimeIndex = 0;
m_indexOffset = 0;
m_offsetChangeWaitBlocks = 0;
m_applyIndexOffset = false;
m_lastSecondaryIdxUnandjusted = 0;
m_lastMasterAssumedAcqTS = microseconds_t(0);
return true;
void FreqCounterSynchronizer::stop()
// Write the last timestamp, even if it was not out of tolerance.
// This (for the most part) removes some guesswork and extrapolation in post-processing
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE)) {
if (m_lastSecondaryIdxUnandjusted != 0 && m_lastMasterAssumedAcqTS.count() != 0) {
auto offset = m_lastValidMasterTimestamp - m_lastMasterAssumedAcqTS;
// we do not allow an to jump forward in time via the offset
if (offset.count() > 0)
offset = microseconds_t(0);
else if (offset.count() != 0)
<< "Cutting off" << offset.count() << "µs from timesync file to align endpoint for" << m_modName;
microseconds_t(std::lround((m_lastSecondaryIdxUnandjusted + 1) * m_timePerPointUs)) + offset,
m_lastMasterAssumedAcqTS + offset);
m_lastValidMasterTimestamp = microseconds_t(0);
m_lastMasterAssumedAcqTS = microseconds_t(0);
void FreqCounterSynchronizer::processTimestamps(
const microseconds_t &blocksRecvTimestamp,
int blockIndex,
int blockCount,
VectorXul &idxTimestamps)
// basic input value sanity checks
assert(blockCount >= 1);
assert(blockIndex >= 0);
assert(blockIndex < blockCount);
// get last index value of vector before we made any adjustments to it
const auto secondaryLastIdxUnadjusted = idxTimestamps[idxTimestamps.rows() - 1];
m_lastSecondaryIdxUnandjusted = secondaryLastIdxUnadjusted;
// adjust timestamp based on our current offset
if (m_applyIndexOffset && (m_indexOffset != 0))
idxTimestamps -= VectorXul::Ones(idxTimestamps.rows()) * m_indexOffset;
// timestamp when (as far and well as we can guess...) the current block was actually acquired, in microseconds
// and based on the master clock timestamp generated upon data receival.
const microseconds_t masterAssumedAcqTS =
blocksRecvTimestamp - microseconds_t(std::lround(m_timePerPointUs * ((blockCount - 1) * idxTimestamps.rows())))
+ microseconds_t(std::lround(m_timePerPointUs * (blockIndex * idxTimestamps.rows())));
m_lastMasterAssumedAcqTS = masterAssumedAcqTS;
// value of the last entry of the current block
const auto secondaryLastIdx = idxTimestamps[idxTimestamps.rows() - 1];
// Timestamp, in microseconds, when according to the device frequency the last datapoint of this block was acquired
// since we assume a zero-indexed time series, we need to add one to the secondary index
// If the index offset has already been applied, take the value as-is, otherwise apply our current offset even if
// modifications to the data are not permitted (we need the corrected last timestamp here, even if we don't apply
// it to the output data and are just writing a tsync file)
const auto secondaryLastTS = m_applyIndexOffset
? microseconds_t(std::lround((secondaryLastIdx + 1) * m_timePerPointUs))
: microseconds_t(std::lround(
(secondaryLastIdxUnadjusted + 1 - m_indexOffset) * m_timePerPointUs));
// calculate time offset
const int64_t curOffsetUsec = (secondaryLastTS - masterAssumedAcqTS).count();
// add new datapoint to our "memory" vector
m_tsOffsetsUsec[m_calibrationIdx++] = curOffsetUsec;
if (m_calibrationIdx >= m_calibrationMaxBlockN)
m_calibrationIdx = 0;
// calculate offsets and offset expectation delta
const int64_t avgOffsetUsec = m_tsOffsetsUsec.mean();
const int64_t avgOffsetDeviationUsec = avgOffsetUsec - m_expectedOffset.count();
// we do nothing more until we have enough measurements to estimate the "natural" timer offset
// of the secondary clock and master clock
if (!m_haveExpectedOffset) {
// we want a bit more values than needed for perpetual calibration, because the first
// few values in the vector stem from the initialization phase of Syntalos and may have
// a higher variance than actually expected during normal operation (as in the startup
// phase, the system load is high and lots of external devices are starting up)
if (m_expectedOffsetCalCount < (m_calibrationMaxBlockN * 2))
m_expectedSD = sqrt(vectorVariance(m_tsOffsetsUsec));
m_expectedOffset = microseconds_t(std::lround(vectorMedian(m_tsOffsetsUsec)));
<< QTime::currentTime().toString() << "[" << m_id << "] "
<< "Determined expected time offset: " << m_expectedOffset.count() << "µs "
<< "SD: " << m_expectedSD;
m_haveExpectedOffset = true;
// send (possibly initial) offset info to the controller)
if (m_offsetChangeNotifyFn)
m_offsetChangeNotifyFn(m_id, microseconds_t(avgOffsetUsec - m_expectedOffset.count()));
// If we are writing a timesync-file, always write the time when the very first
// datapoint was acquired as first value.
// We used the calibration phase to just guess the offset between the counting clock and master
// clock by calculating backwards.
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE))
m_tswriter->writeTimes(0, m_expectedOffset * -1);
m_lastTimeIndex = secondaryLastIdx;
// we added a new block, so remove one from the wait counter that's used
// to wait for new data after a time adjustment was made.
if (m_offsetChangeWaitBlocks > 0)
// do nothing if we have not enough average deviation from the norm
if (abs(avgOffsetDeviationUsec) < m_toleranceUsec) {
// we are within tolerance range!
// share the good news with the controller! (immediately on change, or every 30sec otherwise)
if ((blockIndex == 0)
&& ((!m_lastOffsetWithinTolerance)
|| (blocksRecvTimestamp.count() > (m_lastOffsetEmission.count() + (30 * 1000 * 1000))))) {
if (m_offsetChangeNotifyFn)
m_offsetChangeNotifyFn(m_id, microseconds_t(avgOffsetDeviationUsec));
m_lastOffsetEmission = blocksRecvTimestamp;
// check if we would still be within third-of-tolerance with the correction offset applied, and if that's
// the case, consider gradually resetting it (as the external clock for some reason may be accurate again)
if ((m_indexOffset != 0) && (abs(avgOffsetDeviationUsec) < (m_toleranceUsec / 3))) {
m_indexOffset /= 2.0;
if (m_indexOffset == 0)
m_timeCorrectionOffset = microseconds_t(0);
m_timeCorrectionOffset = microseconds_t(static_cast<long>(floor(m_timeCorrectionOffset.count() / 2.0)));
m_lastOffsetWithinTolerance = true;
m_lastTimeIndex = secondaryLastIdx;
m_lastOffsetWithinTolerance = false;
const double offsetDiffToAvg = abs(avgOffsetUsec - curOffsetUsec);
if (offsetDiffToAvg > m_expectedSD) {
// "sane value threshold" is 1.5x the standard deviation of the offsets
const int64_t offsetsSDThr = 1.5 * sqrt(vectorVariance(m_tsOffsetsUsec, avgOffsetUsec, true));
if (offsetDiffToAvg > offsetsSDThr) {
// the current offset diff to the moving average offset is not within standard deviation range.
// This means the data point we just added is likely a fluke, potentially due to a context switch
// or system load spike. We just ignore those events completely and don't make time adjustments
// to index offsets based on them.
m_lastTimeIndex = secondaryLastIdx;
// Don't do even more adjustments until we have lived with the current one for a while.
// Otherwise, the system will rapidly shift the index around, often not reaching a stable
// state anymore.
if (m_offsetChangeWaitBlocks > 0) {
m_lastTimeIndex = secondaryLastIdx;
// Emit offset information to the main controller about every 10sec or slower
// in case we run at slower speeds
if ((blockIndex == 0) && (masterAssumedAcqTS.count() > (m_lastOffsetEmission.count() + (15 * 1000 * 1000)))) {
if (m_offsetChangeNotifyFn)
m_offsetChangeNotifyFn(m_id, microseconds_t(avgOffsetDeviationUsec));
m_lastOffsetEmission = blocksRecvTimestamp;
// calculate time-based correction offset by changing the previous offset by 1/3 of the difference,
// to get fairly smooth adjustments
const auto corrOffsetDiff = avgOffsetDeviationUsec - m_timeCorrectionOffset.count();
m_timeCorrectionOffset += microseconds_t((int64_t)std::ceil((double)corrOffsetDiff / 3.0));
// sanity check: we need to correct by at least one datapoint for any synchronization to occur at all
if (abs(m_timeCorrectionOffset.count()) <= m_timePerPointUs)
m_timeCorrectionOffset = microseconds_t(static_cast<int64_t>(ceil(m_timePerPointUs)));
// translate the clock update offset to indices. We round up here as we are already below threshold,
// and overshooting slightly appears to be the better solution than being too conservative
const bool initialOffset = m_indexOffset == 0;
const int newIndexOffset = static_cast<int64_t>((m_timeCorrectionOffset.count() / 1000.0 / 1000.0) * m_freq);
// only make adjustments (and potentially write to a tsync file) if we actually changed
// the index offset and not just the time value associated with it
// (this may result in less accurate, but also within-tolerance and less noisy tsync files)
if (m_indexOffset == newIndexOffset) {
m_lastTimeIndex = secondaryLastIdx;
m_indexOffset = std::lround(((newIndexOffset * 2) + m_indexOffset) / 3.0);
if (m_indexOffset != 0) {
m_offsetChangeWaitBlocks = m_calibrationMaxBlockN * 1.2;
m_applyIndexOffset = false;
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_BWD)) {
if (m_indexOffset > 0)
m_applyIndexOffset = true;
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_FWD)) {
if (m_indexOffset < 0)
m_applyIndexOffset = true;
// already apply offset as gradient to the current vector, if we are permitted to make that change
if (initialOffset && m_applyIndexOffset)
idxTimestamps -= VectorXul::LinSpaced(idxTimestamps.rows(), 0, m_indexOffset);
// we're out of sync, record that fact to the tsync file if we are writing one
// NOTE: we have to use the unadjusted time value for the device clock - since we didn't need that until now,
// we calculate it here from the unadjusted last index value of the current block.
// 1 is added to secondaryLastIdxUnadjusted becuse the timestamp reflects the time *after* a sample was acquired,
// so the zero-index needs to be offset by one.
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE))
microseconds_t(std::lround((secondaryLastIdxUnadjusted + 1) * m_timePerPointUs)), masterAssumedAcqTS);
m_lastTimeIndex = secondaryLastIdx;
// --------------------------
// SecondaryClockSynchronizer
// --------------------------
std::shared_ptr<SyncTimer> masterTimer,
const QString &modName,
const QString &id)
: m_modName(modName),
m_strategies(TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_FWD | TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_BWD),
m_tswriter(new TimeSyncFileWriter)
if (m_id.isEmpty())
m_id = createRandomString(4);
// make our existence known to the system
void SecondaryClockSynchronizer::setNotifyCallbacks(
const SyncDetailsChangeNotifyFn &detailsChangeNotifyFn,
const OffsetChangeNotifyFn &offsetChangeNotifyFn)
m_detailsChangeNotifyFn = detailsChangeNotifyFn;
m_offsetChangeNotifyFn = offsetChangeNotifyFn;
// make our existence known to the system immediately
microseconds_t SecondaryClockSynchronizer::clockCorrectionOffset() const
return m_clockCorrectionOffset;
void SecondaryClockSynchronizer::setCalibrationPointsCount(int timepointCount)
if (m_haveExpectedOffset) {
qCWarning(logTimeSync).noquote() << "Rejected calibration point count change on active Clock Synchronizer for"
<< m_modName;
m_calibrationMaxN = timepointCount > 46 ? timepointCount : 46;
void SecondaryClockSynchronizer::setExpectedClockFrequencyHz(double frequency)
if (m_haveExpectedOffset) {
qCWarning(logTimeSync).noquote() << "Rejected frequency change on active Clock Synchronizer for" << m_modName;
if (frequency <= 0) {
qCWarning(logTimeSync).noquote() << "Rejected bogus frequency change to <= 0 for" << m_modName;
// the amount of datapoints needed is on a curve, approaching 10 sec (or minmal required time)
// if we get a lot of points in a short time, we don't need to wait that long to calculate the
// average offset, but with a low frequency of new points we need a bit more data to calculate
// the averages and their SD reliably
m_calibrationMaxN = std::ceil((frequency + (1.0 / (0.01 + std::pow(frequency / 250.0, 2)))) * 10.0);
// limit the number of points to at least 24 and the time to a maximum of 90 seconds
if (m_calibrationMaxN > (frequency * 90.0))
m_calibrationMaxN = std::ceil((frequency * 90.0));
m_calibrationMaxN = m_calibrationMaxN > 46 ? m_calibrationMaxN : 46;
// set tolerance of half the time one sample takes to be acquired
m_toleranceUsec = std::lround(((1000.0 / frequency) / 2) * 1000.0);
void SecondaryClockSynchronizer::setTimeSyncBasename(const QString &fname, const QUuid &collectionId)
m_collectionId = collectionId;
m_strategies = m_strategies.setFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE, !fname.isEmpty());
bool SecondaryClockSynchronizer::isCalibrated() const
return m_haveExpectedOffset;
microseconds_t SecondaryClockSynchronizer::expectedOffsetToMaster() const
return m_expectedOffset;
void SecondaryClockSynchronizer::setStrategies(const TimeSyncStrategies &strategies)
if (m_haveExpectedOffset) {
qCWarning(logTimeSync).noquote() << "Rejected strategy change on active Clock Synchronizer for" << m_modName;
m_strategies = strategies;
void SecondaryClockSynchronizer::setTolerance(const microseconds_t &tolerance)
if (m_haveExpectedOffset) {
qCWarning(logTimeSync).noquote() << "Rejected tolerance change on active Clock Synchronizer for" << m_modName;
m_toleranceUsec = tolerance.count();
bool SecondaryClockSynchronizer::start()
if (m_haveExpectedOffset) {
<< "Restarting a Clock Synchronizer that has already been used is not permitted. This is an issue in "
<< m_modName;
return false;
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE)) {
m_tswriter->setTimeDataTypes(TSyncFileDataType::INT64, TSyncFileDataType::INT64);
if (!m_tswriter->open(m_modName, m_collectionId, microseconds_t(m_toleranceUsec))) {
<< "Unable to open timesync file for " << m_modName << "[" << m_id << "]: " << m_tswriter->lastError();
return false;
if (m_calibrationMaxN <= 4)
<< "Clock synchronizer for " << m_modName << "[" << m_id << "] uses a tiny calibration array (length <= 4)";
assert(m_calibrationMaxN > 0);
m_lastOffsetWithinTolerance = false;
m_clockCorrectionOffset = microseconds_t(0);
m_haveExpectedOffset = false;
m_calibrationIdx = 0;
m_expectedOffsetCalCount = 0;
m_expectedOffset = microseconds_t(0);
m_clockOffsetsUsec = VectorXsl::Zero(m_calibrationMaxN);
m_lastMasterTS = m_syTimer->timeSinceStartMsec();
m_lastSecondaryAcqTS = microseconds_t(0);
m_clockUpdateWaitPoints = 0;
return true;
void SecondaryClockSynchronizer::stop()
// write the last acquired timestamp pair, to simplify data post processing
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE)) {
if (m_lastSecondaryAcqTS.count() != 0)
m_tswriter->writeTimes(m_lastSecondaryAcqTS, m_lastMasterTS);
void SecondaryClockSynchronizer::processTimestamp(
microseconds_t &masterTimestamp,
const microseconds_t &secondaryAcqTimestamp)
const int64_t curOffsetUsec = (secondaryAcqTimestamp - masterTimestamp).count();
// calculate offsets without the new datapoint included
const int64_t avgOffsetUsec = m_clockOffsetsUsec.mean();
const int64_t avgOffsetDeviationUsec = avgOffsetUsec - m_expectedOffset.count();
// add new datapoint to our "memory" vector
m_clockOffsetsUsec[m_calibrationIdx++] = curOffsetUsec;
if (m_calibrationIdx >= m_calibrationMaxN)
m_calibrationIdx = 0;
// update delay-after-adjustment counter
if (m_clockUpdateWaitPoints > 0)
// we do nothing more until we have enough measurements to estimate the "natural" timer offset
// of the secondary clock and master clock
if (!m_haveExpectedOffset) {
// we want a bit more values than needed for perpetual calibration, because the first
// few values in the vector stem from the initialization phase of Syntalos and may have
// a higher variance than actually expected during normal operation (as in the startup
// phase, the system load is high and lots of external devices are starting up)
if (m_expectedOffsetCalCount < (m_calibrationMaxN * 2))
m_expectedSD = sqrt(vectorVariance(m_clockOffsetsUsec));
m_expectedOffset = microseconds_t(std::lround(vectorMedian(m_clockOffsetsUsec)));
<< QTime::currentTime().toString() << "[" << m_id << "] "
<< "Determined expected time offset: " << m_expectedOffset.count() << "µs "
<< "SD: " << m_expectedSD;
m_haveExpectedOffset = true;
// if we are writing a timesync-file, always write the initial secondary clock time
// matched to the expected-offset adjusted time
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE))
m_tswriter->writeTimes(microseconds_t(0), m_expectedOffset * -1);
// remember the secondary clock timestamp & master timestamp for the next iteration
m_lastSecondaryAcqTS = secondaryAcqTimestamp;
m_lastMasterTS = masterTimestamp;
const double offsetDiffToAvg = abs(avgOffsetUsec - curOffsetUsec);
if (offsetDiffToAvg > m_expectedSD) {
const double offsetsSDThr = 2 * sqrt(vectorVariance(m_clockOffsetsUsec, avgOffsetUsec, true));
if (offsetDiffToAvg > offsetsSDThr) {
// the current offset diff to the moving average offset is not within the defined, standard-deviation-based
// range. This means the data point we just added is likely a fluke, potentially due to a context switch
// or system load spike.
// In this case we derive a new master timestamp from the previous master timestamp, by adding the current
// delta of the previous secondary clock time to current secondary clock time.
// Assuming this issue does not appear too frequently and the secondary clock is not totally off, this
// method should yield a good estimate for the correct timestamp.
const auto masterTimestampFAdj = m_lastMasterTS + (secondaryAcqTimestamp - m_lastSecondaryAcqTS);
// correct fluke unconditionally
masterTimestamp = masterTimestampFAdj;
// prevent any time-travel into the past (this should be impossible, but better be safe)
if (masterTimestamp < m_lastMasterTS)
masterTimestamp = m_lastMasterTS + microseconds_t(1);
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE))
m_tswriter->writeTimes(secondaryAcqTimestamp, masterTimestamp);
qCDebug(logTimeSync).noquote().nospace() << QTime::currentTime().toString() << "[" << m_id << "] "
<< "Offset deviation diff not within SD. Adjusted for fluke offset by adding " << avgOffsetUsec*-1
<< "µs "
<< "to secondary clock time " << secondaryAcqTimestamp.count() << "µs "
<< " SD: " << offsetsSD;
// remember the original timestamps (master TS having been adjusted)
m_lastSecondaryAcqTS = secondaryAcqTimestamp;
m_lastMasterTS = masterTimestamp;
// nothing left to do here, we dealt with the fluke
// do nothing if we have not enough average deviation from the norm
if (abs(avgOffsetDeviationUsec) < m_toleranceUsec) {
// we are within tolerance range!
// share the good news with the controller! (immediately on change, or every 30sec otherwise)
if ((!m_lastOffsetWithinTolerance)
|| (masterTimestamp.count() > (m_lastOffsetEmission.count() + (30 * 1000 * 1000)))) {
if (m_offsetChangeNotifyFn)
m_offsetChangeNotifyFn(m_id, microseconds_t(avgOffsetDeviationUsec));
m_lastOffsetEmission = masterTimestamp;
// check if we would still be within third-of-tolerance with the correction offset applied, and if that's
// the case, gradually reset it (as the external clock may be accurate again)
if (m_clockCorrectionOffset.count() != 0) {
if (abs(avgOffsetDeviationUsec) < (m_toleranceUsec / 3))
m_clockCorrectionOffset = microseconds_t(0);
m_clockCorrectionOffset = microseconds_t(
static_cast<int64_t>(std::ceil(m_clockCorrectionOffset.count() / 1.25)));
// we still apply any corrective offset (most likely reduced in the previous step)
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_BWD) && m_clockCorrectionOffset.count() > 0)
masterTimestamp = secondaryAcqTimestamp - m_expectedOffset - m_clockCorrectionOffset;
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_FWD) && m_clockCorrectionOffset.count() < 0)
masterTimestamp = secondaryAcqTimestamp - m_expectedOffset - m_clockCorrectionOffset;
// prevent any time-travel into the past
if (masterTimestamp < m_lastMasterTS)
masterTimestamp = m_lastMasterTS + microseconds_t(1);
// remember the secondary clock timestamp & master timestamp for the next iteration
m_lastSecondaryAcqTS = secondaryAcqTimestamp;
m_lastMasterTS = masterTimestamp;
m_lastOffsetWithinTolerance = true;
m_lastOffsetWithinTolerance = false;
// Emit offset information to the main controller about every 15sec or slower
// in case we run at slower speeds
if (masterTimestamp.count() > (m_lastOffsetEmission.count() + (15 * 1000 * 1000))) {
if (m_offsetChangeNotifyFn)
m_offsetChangeNotifyFn(m_id, microseconds_t(avgOffsetDeviationUsec));
m_lastOffsetEmission = masterTimestamp;
if (m_clockUpdateWaitPoints == 0
&& abs(avgOffsetDeviationUsec - m_clockCorrectionOffset.count()) > (m_toleranceUsec / 1.5)) {
// try to smoothly adjust offset to the new value, dependent on current detected sampling speed
const double offsetDiff = (double)avgOffsetDeviationUsec - (double)m_clockCorrectionOffset.count();
const auto timeGap = (secondaryAcqTimestamp - m_lastSecondaryAcqTS).count();
auto delayFactor = 1000 * (1 - std::pow((std::log(timeGap + 1) / std::log(1000000 + 1)), 0.117)) + 1;
if (delayFactor >= abs(offsetDiff))
delayFactor = abs(offsetDiff) / 4.0;
if (delayFactor < 1)
delayFactor = 1;
auto adjValue = offsetDiff / delayFactor;
m_clockCorrectionOffset += microseconds_t((int64_t)std::ceil(adjValue));
// write timestamp correction to tsync file
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::WRITE_TSYNCFILE))
secondaryAcqTimestamp, secondaryAcqTimestamp - m_expectedOffset - m_clockCorrectionOffset);
// add a delay before we make any more changes, if we actually made a significant change
if (abs(m_clockCorrectionOffset.count()) > 1)
m_clockUpdateWaitPoints = std::ceil(0.65 * m_calibrationMaxN);
// apply any existing timestamp correction offsets
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_BWD) && m_clockCorrectionOffset.count() > 0)
masterTimestamp = secondaryAcqTimestamp - m_expectedOffset - m_clockCorrectionOffset;
if (m_strategies.testFlag(TimeSyncStrategy::SHIFT_TIMESTAMPS_FWD) && m_clockCorrectionOffset.count() < 0)
masterTimestamp = secondaryAcqTimestamp - m_expectedOffset - m_clockCorrectionOffset;
qCDebug(logTimeSync).noquote().nospace() << "[" << m_id << "] "
<< "Clocks out of sync. Mean offset deviation: " << avgOffsetDeviationUsec << "µs, "
<< "Current: " << (curOffsetUsec - m_expectedOffset.count()) << "µs, "
<< "Active SD: " << offsetsSD << " "
<< "Correction offset: " << m_clockCorrectionOffset.count() << "µs";
// ensure time doesn't run backwards - this really shouldn't happen at this
// point, but we prevent this just in case
if (masterTimestamp < m_lastMasterTS) {
<< "[" << m_id << "] "
<< "Timestamp moved backwards when calculating adjusted new time: " << masterTimestamp.count() << " < "
<< m_lastMasterTS.count() << " (mitigated by reusing previous time)";
masterTimestamp = m_lastMasterTS + microseconds_t(0);
// remember the secondary clock timestamp & master timestamp for the next iteration
m_lastSecondaryAcqTS = secondaryAcqTimestamp;
m_lastMasterTS = masterTimestamp;
void SecondaryClockSynchronizer::emitSyncDetailsChanged()
if (m_detailsChangeNotifyFn)
m_detailsChangeNotifyFn(m_id, m_strategies, microseconds_t(m_toleranceUsec));
Updated on 2024-12-04 at 20:48:34 +0000