



QStringcreateRandomString(int len)
Create a random alphanumeric string with the given length.
QStringsimplifyStrForModuleName(const QString & s)
Simplify a string for use as a module name.
QStringsimplifyStrForFileBasename(const QString & s)
Simplify a string for use in file basenames.
QStringsimplifyStrForFileBasenameLower(const QString & s)
Simplify a string for use in file basenames, and return a lowercased version.
QStringListqStringSplitLimit(const QString & str, const QChar & sep, int maxSplit, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs)
Split a string, limiting the amount of splits made.
QStringListstringListNaturalSort(QStringList & list)
Naturally sort the give string list (sorting “10” after “9”)
Return the complete current Syntalos version number.
Check if Syntalos is running in a Flatpak sandbox.
QStringfindHostFile(const QString & path)
Find file on the host system (if running in a sandbox)
boolhostUdevRuleExists(const QString & ruleFilename)
Check if a udev rule exists.
Get path to the OSes default temporary directory.
boolisFileOnTmpfs(const QString & fname)
Get path to a temporary directory that can hold large files.
voiddelay(int waitMsec)
Delay execution by approximately the given time, not blocking the main event loop.
boolisBinaryInPath(const QString & binaryName)
Check if a binary is in the current environment PATH.

Functions Documentation

function createRandomString

QString createRandomString(
    int len

Create a random alphanumeric string with the given length.

function simplifyStrForModuleName

QString simplifyStrForModuleName(
    const QString & s

Simplify a string for use as a module name.

function simplifyStrForFileBasename

QString simplifyStrForFileBasename(
    const QString & s

Simplify a string for use in file basenames.

function simplifyStrForFileBasenameLower

QString simplifyStrForFileBasenameLower(
    const QString & s

Simplify a string for use in file basenames, and return a lowercased version.

function qStringSplitLimit

QStringList qStringSplitLimit(
    const QString & str,
    const QChar & sep,
    int maxSplit,
    Qt::CaseSensitivity cs

Split a string, limiting the amount of splits made.

function stringListNaturalSort

QStringList stringListNaturalSort(
    QStringList & list

Naturally sort the give string list (sorting “10” after “9”)

function syntalosVersionFull

QString syntalosVersionFull()

Return the complete current Syntalos version number.

Retrieve the full Syntalos version, including any VCS information.

function isInFlatpakSandbox

bool isInFlatpakSandbox()

Check if Syntalos is running in a Flatpak sandbox.

function findHostFile

QString findHostFile(
    const QString & path

Find file on the host system (if running in a sandbox)


  • path Path of the file to check for

Return: The absolute path to the requested file, or an empty string if not found.

function hostUdevRuleExists

bool hostUdevRuleExists(
    const QString & ruleFilename

Check if a udev rule exists.


  • ruleFilename Name of the udev rule file

Return: true if the rule existed, false otherwise.

function tempDirRoot

QString tempDirRoot()

Get path to the OSes default temporary directory.

Return: An absolute path to temp dir.

function isFileOnTmpfs

static bool isFileOnTmpfs(
    const QString & fname

function tempDirLargeRoot

QString tempDirLargeRoot()

Get path to a temporary directory that can hold large files.

Return: An absolute path to temp dir.

function delay

void delay(
    int waitMsec

Delay execution by approximately the given time, not blocking the main event loop.


  • waitMsec Time to wait.

function isBinaryInPath

bool isBinaryInPath(
    const QString & binaryName

Check if a binary is in the current environment PATH.


  • binaryName Name of the binary to check for

Return: true if the binary is in the PATH, false otherwise.

Source code

 * Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Matthias Klumpp <matthias@tenstral.net>
 * Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the license, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this software.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "misc.h"
#include "config.h"

#include <filesystem>
#include <linux/magic.h>
#include <sys/vfs.h>

#include <QCollator>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDir>
#include <QRandomGenerator>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QThread>
#include <QTime>
#include <QProcessEnvironment>

namespace fs = std::filesystem;

QString createRandomString(int len)
    const auto possibleChars = QStringLiteral("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789");

    QString str;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        int index = QRandomGenerator::global()->generate() % possibleChars.length();
        QChar nextChar = possibleChars.at(index);

    return str;

QString simplifyStrForModuleName(const QString &s)
    const auto tmp = s.simplified().replace("/", "_").replace("\\", "_");
    if (tmp.isEmpty())
        return QStringLiteral("Unnamed");
    return tmp;

QString simplifyStrForFileBasename(const QString &s)
    return simplifyStrForModuleName(s).replace(" ", "").replace(":", "_").replace("_-", "-").replace("-_", "-");

QString simplifyStrForFileBasenameLower(const QString &s)
    return simplifyStrForModuleName(s)
        .replace(" ", "-") // use dash to make resulting name easier to read (possible camelcasing won't work in the
                           // resulting all-lowercase string)
        .replace(":", "_")
        .replace("_-", "-")
        .replace("-_", "-")

QStringList qStringSplitLimit(const QString &str, const QChar &sep, int maxSplit, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs)
    QStringList list;
    int start = 0;
    int end;
    while ((end = str.indexOf(sep, start, cs)) != -1) {
        if (start != end)
            list.append(str.mid(start, end - start));
        start = end + 1;
        if (maxSplit > 0) {
            if (list.length() > maxSplit)
    if (start != str.size())
    return list;

QStringList stringListNaturalSort(QStringList &list)
    if (list.isEmpty())
        return list;

    // prefer en_DK unless that isn't available.
    // we previously defaulted to "C", but doing that
    // will produce the wrong sorting order
    QCollator collator(QLocale("en_DK.UTF-8"));
    if (collator.locale().language() == QLocale::C) {
        collator = QCollator();
        if (collator.locale().language() == QLocale::C) {
            collator = QCollator(QLocale("en"));
            if (collator.locale().language() == QLocale::C)
                qWarning() << "Unable to find a non-C locale for collator.";

    std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), collator);

    return list;

QString syntalosVersionFull()
    auto syVersion = QCoreApplication::applicationVersion();
    auto syVcs = QStringLiteral(SY_VCS_TAG).replace(syVersion, "");
    if (syVcs.contains("-"))
        syVcs = syVcs.section('-', 1);
    if (syVcs.startsWith("v"))
        syVcs.remove(0, 1);
    if (syVcs == QStringLiteral("+")) {
        syVersion = syVersion + QStringLiteral("+");
        syVcs = "";

    return syVcs.isEmpty() ? syVersion : QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)").arg(syVersion, syVcs);

bool isInFlatpakSandbox()
    if (qEnvironmentVariable("container") == QStringLiteral("flatpak"))
        return true;

    // We check for FLATPAK_ID as well to make this function work for older versions
    // of Flatpak. 1.14.4 or higher is confirmed to not need this check.
    if (qEnvironmentVariable("FLATPAK_ID").startsWith("org.syntalos"))
        return true;
    return false;

QString findHostFile(const QString &path)
    if (isInFlatpakSandbox()) {
        const auto hostPath = fs::path(QStringLiteral("/run/host/%1").arg(path).toStdString()).lexically_normal();
        if (fs::exists(hostPath))
            return QString::fromStdString(hostPath.string());
    } else {
        if (fs::exists(fs::path(path.toStdString())))
            return path;
    return QString();

bool hostUdevRuleExists(const QString &ruleFilename)
    QStringList udevPaths = {"/lib/udev/rules.d", "/usr/lib/udev/rules.d", "/etc/udev/rules.d"};
    for (const auto &root : udevPaths) {
        if (!findHostFile(root + "/" + ruleFilename).isEmpty())
            return true;
    return false;

QString tempDirRoot()
    return QDir::tempPath();

static bool isFileOnTmpfs(const QString &fname)
    struct statfs info;
    statfs(qPrintable(fname), &info);

    if (info.f_type == TMPFS_MAGIC)
        return true;
    return false;

QString tempDirLargeRoot()
    QString tmpDir = QStringLiteral("/var/tmp");
    if (fs::exists(tmpDir.toStdString()) && !isFileOnTmpfs(tmpDir))
        return tmpDir;

    tmpDir = tempDirRoot();
    if (!isFileOnTmpfs(tmpDir))
        return tmpDir;

    return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation);

void delay(int waitMsec)
    if (waitMsec <= 54) {
        // if it's just a short wait, we don't bother with the event loop
        QThread::usleep(waitMsec * 1000);

    QTime doneTime = QTime::currentTime().addMSecs(waitMsec);
    while (QTime::currentTime() < doneTime) {
        QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 50);

bool isBinaryInPath(const QString &binaryName)
    QString path = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value("PATH");
    QStringList directories = path.split(QDir::listSeparator());

    // check for the binary in all directories in PATH
    for (const QString &dir : directories) {
        QFileInfo fileInfo(QDir(dir), binaryName);
        if (fileInfo.exists() && fileInfo.isExecutable()) {
            return true;

    return false;

Updated on 2024-12-04 at 20:48:34 +0000