


Convenience interface to write an OOP Syntalos module.

#include <syntaloslinkmodule.h>

Inherits from QObject

Public Functions

SyntalosLinkModule(SyntalosLink * slink)
voidraiseError(const QString & message)
voidraiseError(const QString & title, const QString & message)
voidawaitData(int timeoutUsec =-1)
ModuleStatestate() const
voidsetState(ModuleState state)
voidsetStatusMessage(const QString & message)
virtual boolprepare(const QByteArray & settings)
virtual voidstart()
virtual voidstop()

Protected Functions

SyncTimer *timer() const
template <typename T >
requires std::is_base_of_v< BaseDataType, T > std::shared_ptr< OutputPortLink< T > >
registerOutputPort(const QString & id, const QString & title =QString(), const QVariantHash & metadata =QVariantHash())
Register an output port for this module.
template <typename T ,typename U >
requires std::is_base_of_v< BaseDataType, T > std::shared_ptr< InputPortInfo >
registerInputPort(const QString & id, const QString & title, U * instance, void(U::*)(const T &data) fn)
Register an input port for this module.

Protected Attributes


Public Functions Documentation

function SyntalosLinkModule

explicit SyntalosLinkModule(
    SyntalosLink * slink

function ~SyntalosLinkModule


function raiseError

void raiseError(
    const QString & message

function raiseError

void raiseError(
    const QString & title,
    const QString & message

function awaitData

void awaitData(
    int timeoutUsec =-1

function state

ModuleState state() const

function setState

void setState(
    ModuleState state

function setStatusMessage

void setStatusMessage(
    const QString & message

function prepare

virtual bool prepare(
    const QByteArray & settings

function start

virtual void start()

function stop

virtual void stop()

Protected Functions Documentation

function timer

SyncTimer * timer() const

function registerOutputPort

template <typename T >
inline requires std::is_base_of_v< BaseDataType, T > std::shared_ptr< OutputPortLink< T > > registerOutputPort(
    const QString & id,
    const QString & title =QString(),
    const QVariantHash & metadata =QVariantHash()

Register an output port for this module.

Return: A reference to the output port, which can be used to submit new data

This function should be called in the module’s constructor to publish the intent to produce an output stream of type T. Other modules may subscribe to this stream.

function registerInputPort

template <typename T ,
typename U >
inline requires std::is_base_of_v< BaseDataType, T > std::shared_ptr< InputPortInfo > registerInputPort(
    const QString & id,
    const QString & title,
    U * instance,
    void(U::*)(const T &data) fn

Register an input port for this module.

This function should be called in the module’s constructor to publish the intent to accept input stream subscriptions of type T. The user may subscribe this module to other modules which produce the data it accepts.

In order to receive data, a callback function to be called when new data is available must also be provided.

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable m_running

bool m_running;

Updated on 2024-09-05 at 17:39:59 +0000